The Emperor Has No Clothes

The Global Policy Institute at Loyola Marymount University welcomes guest blogs and encourages our friends and supporters to submit them to the President of the GPI. In an effort to stimulate the conversation relating to global issues and problems, some of the submitted essays will be published on our website. Thank you.

We are pleased to publish this guest blog written by Irene Fowler, a lawyer based in Lagos, Nigeria. Ms. Fowler has a degree from the Harvard Law School, and her work appears in The Hill and other publications.

Michael A. Genovese
President of the GPI

The Emperor Has No Clothes

We are held hostage and are unwilling captives of the taboo world of pornography and the murkiness it conjures. As the U.S. president and leader of the free world, Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels, a sex worker, hurl slurs at each other we cannot help but feel contaminated, if not violated, by the splatter and spray of the sludge of the gutter. Alas, due to the explicit nature of the contents of these disgraceful diatribes, the world’s collective mind is forced to contemplate the particulars including the size, utility, and merits of the male phallus, more to the point, that of Donald Trump. Forsooth! The Emperor has no clothes, lacking even rudimentary vestiges of fig leaves. This latest farce emanating from the White House is just another deleterious episode highlighting Trump’s immorality, cruelty, and sadism. Another Emperor devoid of any graces whatsoever was Emperor Caligula (July 31, 12 AD – January 22, 41 AD) whose rule over the Roman empire was supposed to usher in a golden era but was instead marked by his tyranny. Caligula said; “Let them hate me, so long as they fear me.” If those words have a familiar ring, it is because the same sentiments have been vocalized by Trump. It was said of Caligula that his sadism horrified an empire.

Having cavorted with her a mere few weeks after his wife put to bed, Trump’s puerile, sadistic comparison of Stormy to an animal, specifically a horse, is not only the height of hypocrisy, it is sexist in the extreme. In denigrating her looks he solidifies his position as a card-carrying misogynist, who denies the intrinsic and innate talents of women and goes as far as to deny our personhood, seeking to perpetuate the harmful myth that women are objects, whose only value resides in superficial physical attributes and in their appeal to men. Indeed, a corollary of this mindset is that the raison d’etre of our existence is to provide pleasure to men. Nothing more and nothing less! This caveman mentality emanating from the White House deals a dastardly blow to the emancipation and empowerment of women and the girl–child worldwide. It is especially egregious and harmful to gender rights and development in Africa as we are lagging far behind our Western counterparts. It has the potential to erode the slow progress and small victories we have garnered on the continent and takes our struggle back to the grim, dark era of entrenched cultural and institutional discrimination against women and the girl-child. In 1979 The United Nations General assembly adopted the Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW). The instrument is often referred to as the “International bill of rights for women”. The only countries not signatories to the convention are Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Tonga, and the Holy See.  Although the United States of America is a signatory, the argument can be made that the current U.S. president is in violation of the spirit and letter of the law and should be held accountable.  It is deplorable and unacceptable that after concerted international action over eons to recognize and uphold women’s rights, Trump has the temerity to refer to us as animals. In the recent past, he called the only black senior level functionary in his administration, who happened to be a woman a dog.  It is noteworthy that other high profile women in his administration including his daughter Ivanka Kushner and Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, both self- professed champions of women’s rights, did not speak out against his latest volley of abuse, but decided to remain mum.  Could it be that they too believe that they are animals, or worse, that their daughters are animals?

Trump’s feral appetites, bloated ego, and leanings towards bloodthirsty tyrants who he mawkishly admires and lavishes praise on are co-mingled and pose a threat to humanity.  The latest rendition of which is now playing out on the world stage, as he refuses to unequivocally condemn Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the heir apparent to the throne of the kingdom of Saudi-Arabia, for his alleged involvement in the grisly murder and hacking to pieces of a dissident journalist, which ostensibly took place at his behest in the Saudi consulate in Turkey. A clear pattern now emerges as Trump’s contempt for women’s rights and human rights in general, intersect in real time, which ought to disabuse our minds of any amelioration in his conduct or tone towards women.  He is in free–fall and we can only realistically expect that the status-quo is a harbinger of worse to come.

I believe that it is time for women’s and children’s rights groups to galvanize themselves and take action to stem the constant tide of verbal harassment and drivel which flows from the White House and permeates our air-waves worldwide. As someone who has a passion for the youth, I am of the strong opinion that their innocence should be protected. It goes without saying children should be shielded from the adult world of vice and corruption for as long as possible, in order to ensure the solid moral foundation they need to grow into well-grounded and balanced human beings.  Therefore, legal action should be considered to secure an injunction which would prohibit Trump from using his official twitter account to disseminate material of a disturbing and reprehensible nature, unless such material is accompanied with a guardrail aimed at children. The efforts of these groups should be undergirded by religious organizations, including Christian groups who are true representatives of Jesus Christ and His moral teachings and do not fall into the category He railed against and called hypocrites and white-washed sepulchers who have turned His house into a marketplace. More importantly, He said, “It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble.’’ Luke 17:2 (NIV).